Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

As easy as it is this year to forget all that I'm thankful for I need to sit back and realize all that I do have to give thanks for.  I've done some of these on Facebook as well but they deserve to be addressed again!

I'm thankful for Hannah.  She was with us for far too short of a time but she gave me so much love in those short 14 months.  I was blessed during those 14 months to be able to stay home with the girls and spend as much time with Hannah as possible.  I'll cherish those 14 months forever.

I'm thankful for Mike.  He has been so unbelievably strong for me during all of this.  He has been my rock.  I feel like through this incredibly difficult time we've clung to each other and are even closer than before.

I'm thankful for my sweet Allison.  She is my bright light during this dark time.

I'm thankful for my mom and dad who gave Hannah a beautiful funeral so Mike and I didn't have to worry about it.  My sisters also did a huge part in the planning and made the day beautiful for my beautiful girl.

I'm thankful for my mom.  She has stayed with us and done so much for us these past couple weeks.  She has given me so much emotional support, I honestly don't know how I could do this without her.

I'm thankful for Mike's parents.  Although they don't live as close I know they would drop anything and everything to be there for us in a moments notice.  They are wonderful parents and wonderful grandparents!

I'm thankful for my sisters.  They are the reasons I wanted so badly for Allison to have a sister, I know what a blessing sisters are. They have given up so much time with their families to be here for me and mine.  They are my best friends and the best aunties in the whole world!

I'm thankful for my brother-in-laws, Brian and Brandon.  With my sisters being with me so much they have stayed home and taken care of their families so my sisters could take care of me and mine.

I'm thankful for my extended family.  I know how lucky I am to have the family I do.  So many of them have done so much for us and reached out to us.  I am blessed with all the wonderful family we have.

I'm thankful for a wonderful group of friends who I couldn't live without.  It's been hard for me to be around anyone but my family through this but I know my friends are waiting in the wings to be there with me.  I promise, I'll be ready at some point!

I'm thankful for Facebook and all the emotional support it has provided me.  So many people have reached out to me, people I haven't heard from in years, people I've never met.  The kindness of everyone towards me and my family has meant so much.

I'm thankful for a wonderful group of neighbors who kept us fed for the first couple weeks.  They also started a fund so this spring we can plant a tree in memory of Hannah. I hope to get to know them all better, they seem to be an amazing group of people.

I'm thankful for everyone who has donated funds to Hannah's memorial.  With the funds Mike and I are planning on purchasing a memorial bench in Hannah's name to be put in our neighborhood park.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with their family and friends.  Please take some time to give thanks to all the wonderful people and things in your life. 

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